Get to Know About us

Welcome to PRE KHEL

Pre khel is India’s favorite Engagement Platform. We seek to ignite a love for sports among kids such that kids develop lifelong passion for sports and fitness. We introduce kids to the fundamentals of multi-sports – Viz. Gymnastics, Football, Basketball, Athletics, Cricket etc.
We run Multiple Programs at the preschools during preschool hours. We give an introduction to sports in a safe, creative, and non-competitive environment.
In the next stage, we work with the child’s interest and help the child enhance his/her skill. Go Alpha kids want the kids to be active and choose the right sport for life.

Why Us !..

We understand the importance of providing a well-rounded education that goes beyond the classroom. Physical activity and sports play a vital role in a child's development, fostering essential skills such as teamwork, motor skills, confidence, and overall well-being. And..
  • Why Us !..

    PRE KHEL help your childers to Grow!

  • Junior Athletics

    A sports curriculum tailored for very young kids, specifically designed to be implanted in the limited spaces available at preschools.

  • Tech Sport

    Tech Sport" - A cutting-edge, technology-driven approach that combines our specially designed sports curriculum with advanced technology to enhance the skills of each child in their chosen sport.

  • Sports Day

    We have an exclusive experience planned for each of our Sports Days at our Partner Preschools.

Improving activities with Pre Khel

  • Our Mission:

    Pre Khel, India's favored Engagement Platform, endeavors to ignite a profound love for sports in children, nurturing a lifelong passion for athleticism and well-being.

  • Vission

    Develop lifelong passion for sports and fitness by igniting love for sports among kids

What We Offer

We introduce young ones to the fundamental aspects of various sports, including Gymnastics, Football, Basketball, Athletics, Cricket, and more.

At pre khel, we are dedicated to providing a fun and engaging environment for children to develop essential life skills and a love for sports.


1.What are the steps involved in the onboarding process for a preschool?

Once the school finalizes the Pre Khel program, our dedicated team will visit the preschool to assess the feasibility and suitability of the program for the available space. Based on the finalized plan, a class schedule is prepared, and the necessary contract is signed. We typically require 15 days from contract signing to commence the program at the preschool.

Pre Khel sends well-trained instructors who conduct the classes according to the agreed-upon plan. We also conduct regular assessments to track each child's progress. Additionally, we extend our support in preparing for the preschool's sports day.

2.Can such young kids learn sports ?

3.Who are the trainers? Are they qualified ?

4.How do parents get an update on things ?